Launches TODAY!!

OK–I am SO proud and excited to be announcing the “face” of Savvy Bride–the new wedding and event design and planning boutique that will be taking up a lot of my time from here on out!

Check it out at: The Savvy Bride

A few months ago, I resolved that I had to find a way to use my professional skills in a way that was more fulfilling; that would be COMPLETELY satisfying to me; and that would allow me to channel my creativity, research, planning, communication skills (everything that I use in my career my day).

So, Savvy is what was born out of that necessity to expand and take on something perfect for me:)

In addition to the planning and event design services I’ll be offering, I will still be blogging! Savvy Blog will be VERY similar to what I have been doing here for the past year and I will eventually absorb the more than 200 posts and useful wedding planning tips, ideas and inspiration from My Cleveland Wedding, into Savvy blog!

Wish me luck and I’d love to hear from you:)



October 8, 2008. Uncategorized.


  1. Jenna replied:

    I think most bridal bloggers dream of finding a way to continue their writing after the wedding is over. Congratulations on taking the initiative to really make it happen!

  2. sonya replied:

    You won’t need it, but good luck to you anyway! I wish you all the best. Whoever hires you is very fortunate to have you. 🙂

  3. myclevelandwedding replied:

    Thanks for your kind words ladies!

  4. Dana replied:

    Congrats. Check out my blog on Wednesday I did a shout out to your new venture. If you ever expand to the Central Ohio area, I would love work with and/or for you.

  5. mrs mary mack replied:

    My 1st time visiting, found you via jumping the broom! Your blog is cuteness personified! Good luck to you!

  6. shea replied:

    Hey Meg,

    Congrats!!!! This is fanfreekingtastic to all savvy, hip, fashionable brides (and grooms) everywhere!!!


  7. Weddings on the Strand replied:

    Good luck is wished. Sounds like a wonderful enterprise. Doing what you love is always laced with a special brand of success.

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